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If you like Kim Harrison’s Rachel, you’ll love Amy Sumida’s Seren.
I’m trained to kill fairies.
That’s right; Fairies. I’m an Extinguisher; a psychic soldier charged with protecting our world from them—the Fey. Long ago, there was a war between humans and fairies, and the world was nearly destroyed by it. Now, we have a truce in place to prevent that from happening. Both sides have armies to enforce the truce; we have the Extinguishers and they have the Wild Hunt. Humans don’t remember the truce anymore; they don’t remember the Fey anymore. A fact that the Fey use to their advantage. I hate that. After they killed my mother, I even started to hate them. But that hatred doesn’t seem to matter when I look at him. Fairy hunter. Deadly. Beautiful. Intent on sliding himself into my life. Well, we’ll just see about that.